The most valuable freebie of the week was this leftover watermelon and fruit from Katherine and Sean's wedding courtesy of my "favorite" aunt and uncle. Thanks!

These were the in the mail freebies. A paper towel, some
Splenda coffee creamer, a
Ragu book on how to feed kids healthy, some kids wet wipes and some
Excedrine (which I just took).

My weekly shopping trip came to $39.30. Doesn't look like much this week, but I already had a lot of fruit and veggies on hand. I wasn't even going to shop this week, but I thought I would get a few things we did need like toilet paper and cat litter. The box of cereal was free from
Vocalpoint. If you haven't signed up for that, go do it now. They will send you coupons from time to time for free products (like the cereal). They also send you several coupons to share with your friends.
You are quite the shopper!!
Did the boys poke each other or Spot with the sticks from the fruit? If you had all that to feed them why did you let them eat only popsicles the other day? ha!
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