YOUNG WOMEN IN AMERICA: This is a Public Service Announcement to let you know how much air brushing is done in Hollywood. This is Rebecca as herself. No one looks like that picture. LOVE YOURSELF!
I know if I make this look funny that desperate fat girl in Cincinnati will be obesessed with figuring out what I'd be saying. Let's give the girl a thrill, goodness knows she'll be the only one in blog world!!!!!!!!
He was in here with me. The two older ones wake me up now. We don't put the gate up till Zay wakes up. I worked yesterday and am off till next week due to lack of babysitters.
Is this a family reunion picture?
I really ought to consider going back on my diet. i did look good last year while shooting this ad!
Drink Coke...look like her. Drink Beer....look like him.
YOUNG WOMEN IN AMERICA: This is a Public Service Announcement to let you know how much air brushing is done in Hollywood. This is Rebecca as herself. No one looks like that picture. LOVE YOURSELF!
this fat suit is hot
Haha! I can't think of any but i like the ones so far! That picture is hilarious!!!!
I know if I make this look funny that desperate fat girl in Cincinnati will be obesessed with figuring out what I'd be saying. Let's give the girl a thrill, goodness knows she'll be the only one in blog world!!!!!!!!
Lura, can you email Victoria my email address?? thanks!
I'm too sexy for this shirt, so sexy it hurts!
I still don't understand why they picked my twin sister and not me for the Coca Cola ad.
Who said having a belly button capable of opening bottle caps couldn't be sexy?
oh amanda!! CRUP
"He has a big belly" -Tyler White
how did that child see the computer screen through the gate???
why are you not at work?
He was in here with me. The two older ones wake me up now. We don't put the gate up till Zay wakes up. I worked yesterday and am off till next week due to lack of babysitters.
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