Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Mamma Bird Today

Today's picture of mamma bird as requested. You can see the white stripes that are over her eyes. You can see a little bit of baby. They are starting to get feathers. She has been on the nest most of the time, so I can't get a very good shot of just the babies. The father bird sits in the tree and chirps at me.


Char said...

very cool! if i zoom in on it i can see one baby really well.

Crystal said...

OH I bet she's a HOT MAMA TODAY! HA HA

Cheryl said...

Oh that is so sweet. We had a nest in our big pine tree and the dad dive bombs my dogs. It's funny.

Anonymous said...

Oh that is so sweet. Have you determined what kind of bird she is?

Amanda said...

You better be careful that the papa bird doesn't try and peck your eyes out!!!!

Lura said...

I'm pretty sure it's a wren. There are lots of different looking wrens though!

Amanda said...

wrens are known to peck out eyes Lura, be careful!