Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Grape Expectations

Last night after work I went over to my friend Patty's house to pick grapes. I picked for and hour and a half. The grapes are very nice this year. It seemed early to me to be picking, as grapes around here aren't usually ready until September or so. Here is what I came home with! I added the 2 liter of Mt. Dew so that you could see how large the "bucket" was. My highly advanced/top of the line set up. Ha ha.

After a 25 minute bath.... they are ready to go! I got 20 quarts of juice last night and I only used the grapes in the white container! I have a whole "bunch" more to do today. I may venture into grape jelly or jam today along with some more juice. I stayed up until 2:45 this morning and the boys had me out of bed by 6:45. Sleep is overrated! I need to run to the store to get some more lids and some pectin. I used a very easy recipe that can be found here. I only added 1/4 c. sugar to each jar and I will still dilute the juice when I give it to the boys.


Cheryl said...

Wow, that's really good. That is a lot of grapes. Do you ever make jam?

Char said...

They look yummy!!

Unknown said...

My grandmother made grape jam. My dad made everyother kind imaginable 9thusly PB&J everyday at school)but never grape. I do many things, but canning is not one of them, maybe in another life. though seeing yours makes me want to do it.

SamandSawyersMom said...

that is cool


Crystal said...

Oh you crack me up with your pioneer ways! ha ha That is awesome that you do that, I am unfortunately all about convenience and would rather just buy a jug at the store! ha ha

Kudos to you for your hard work and dedication!

SamandSawyersMom said...

oh not me i would love that. i just don;t have nice friends who give me free grapes

Lura said...

A lot of it is me trying to save money. But, after buying sugar, canning lids, and pectin, and using the stove a lot, and putting my air conditioner on overdrive, I don't think it's any cheaper, it's actually probably more expensive.

kellerie said...

so, when will you be making some homemade wine? :)

Lura said...

Matthew asked me the same thing today. It's too much work!