Saturday, April 14, 2007

What is she thinking?


Crystal said...

Hopefully people will think it's coffee on my pants since I am holding a coffee cup!

SamandSawyersMom said...

That mac truck made me poop myself

Lura said...

Maybe the braids will distract people from looking at my pants.

SamandSawyersMom said...


SamandSawyersMom said...

If I pose for this ridiculous photo maybe Lura can use it as a poor excuse for a full length post for 2 days.

Iwth looks like these, who would actually believe that i'dcarry my own coffee

Lura said...

I try not to post on Sundays, it's my day of rest. So whatever you get on Saturday is it. Ha ha.

SamandSawyersMom said...

oh okay did your children eat or get bathed on your day of rest??

Lura said...

well, yeah, but it's not work to open a bag of cheetos, open a chocolate egg, fry up a little Spam, or toast them some white bread with butter and cinnamon sugar

Crystal said...

diarhea,chhh diarhea chh!

Char said...

HAHA!! That was hilarious Crystal!! LOL EWWWW!!
I think she's wondering why in the world would someone take a picture of her with coffee spilled all over her and I think after she realized what the person did, she went up and threw the rest of her coffee on the picture taker! :)

SamandSawyersMom said...

i am so lost

please post something for real. In the time it took for you to argue with me, you could have posted

Cheryl said...

oh crystal you are NASTY!!! bad girl.