Thursday, March 29, 2007

Random Thoughts

This past Tuesday, Amanda, Kellie, and I went to "A night of chocolate" at the theater. There were about 10 different people there with chocolate to sample (all you could eat). There was everything from grocery store brownies to a fancy chocolatier. There was a chocolate fountain with fruit, pretzels, and marshmallows to dip, chocolate covered cream puffs, and chocolate covered Oreos. The most interesting one I tasted was chocolate with orange in it. The chocolatier had the fanciest things. She had mint truffles, pb balls, peppermint bark, chocolate w/ almonds, and all kinds of other stuff. Then we watched the movie "Chocolat" with Johnny Depp. I thought it was a strange movie, not bad, but I probably wouldn't watch it again. In case you've ever wondered, you can eat too much chocolate! Ha ha! After the movie we got to take a tour of our old high school which has been remodeled into a school for 5th graders only. I think they did this because the elementary schools were getting to full. Hopefully Kellie will have some pictures on her blog soon of our adventure.

I have done two dumb things so far this week- and it's only Wednesday. Actually I did them both yesterday. I went to the grocery store when Tim got home from work. It was going to be a quick trip because I didn't have much money and I knew exactly what I wanted. Well, I came out of the store and had locked my keys in the van. It wouldn't have been so bad if this was the only time it had ever happened, but I don't even think it's been 2 years since the last time. Since I had the vehicle with all the car seats, Tim had to wait until his mom could come and watch the boys so he could rescue me. I sat outside for 40 min. so that my milk would stay cold! Then this morning, Tim asks me if I shut the heat off yesterday....whoops. It was running in the morning yesterday and I am so sick of paying for propane that I shut it off. It wasn't that cold outside. Anyways, the temperatures dropped last night and this morning it was about 60 degrees in here. Not horrible, but still chilly.


kellerie said...

yes, i get the hint! I will post pictures. But I really, really need to finish my project. (I also must learn not to procrastinate, but that's a whole different story!)

kellerie said...

Oh, BTW, don't feel too bad about your car keys. I lost mine for 2 days. I knew they were somewhere in the house, so I wasn't too worried, but brian and I looked everywhere we could think of. He even called to tell my parents to dig through the recycleables (sp?) we had brought over, which my poor father did. Anyways, Brian finally found them - in my coat pocket!!!!

SamandSawyersMom said...

oh who cares that everyone's a bit cold and your keys were locked up?? You are a good mommya dn biggie.

Crystal said...

We keep our heat on 65 all winter long!

AliceAnderson said...

I hear you about gas prices. I think my company is playing tricks with me. One month its really high, the next month I use zero therms of gas?? In winter? I dunno, but I'm really tired of it. I set all mine at 63 and then use a space heater in the room I'm in if I get cold. (I'm always cold...) But I bundle up really good too. I'd rather wear extra layers in my house than pay a high gas bill. Grrr. :-)