1. U.S. President
2. Firefighter
3. Sr. Corp. Executive
4. Race Car Driver (Indy Class)
5. Taxi Driver
6. Surgeon
7. Astronaut
8. Police Officer
9. NFL football player
10. Air-traffic controller
Source: Jobs Rated Almanac
OK, "mother" didn't even make the list! There's something wrong there! I can understand some like surgeon and air traffic controller, but football player???
No one considers being a mom a job except other Moms. Sad, there would be no president with his Mom. Hello people can a job be more stressful. The job we do effects everyone our child come in contact with for the rest of their lives. Could there be anymore pressure to do a good job?
Amen Cheryl Ann!!! And Dr. Phil says all the time that being a stay at home mom is equivalent to holding down two full time jobs!!!
I agree 100%. Mom, wife, homemaker... why does no one consider them jobs? I remember an article where they calculated all the things a mom/wife/homemaker does and how much that would cost if you hired outside help to do it all... child care, house keeper, laundry/ironing, cook, caretaker, shopper, general doer and keeper of the house and keep everyone in line... it was enormous. Probably more so in my case since I do the majority of the yard work and home repairs and car care. I don't have kids yet. But we do have plenty of furbabies. :) Keeping up after everyone is a full time job!
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