Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Top Ten Most Stressful Jobs

1. U.S. President
2. Firefighter
3. Sr. Corp. Executive
4. Race Car Driver (Indy Class)
5. Taxi Driver
6. Surgeon
7. Astronaut
8. Police Officer
9. NFL football player
10. Air-traffic controller
Source: Jobs Rated Almanac

OK, "mother" didn't even make the list! There's something wrong there! I can understand some like surgeon and air traffic controller, but football player???


Cheryl said...

No one considers being a mom a job except other Moms. Sad, there would be no president with his Mom. Hello people can a job be more stressful. The job we do effects everyone our child come in contact with for the rest of their lives. Could there be anymore pressure to do a good job?

Crystal said...

Amen Cheryl Ann!!! And Dr. Phil says all the time that being a stay at home mom is equivalent to holding down two full time jobs!!!

AliceAnderson said...

I agree 100%. Mom, wife, homemaker... why does no one consider them jobs? I remember an article where they calculated all the things a mom/wife/homemaker does and how much that would cost if you hired outside help to do it all... child care, house keeper, laundry/ironing, cook, caretaker, shopper, general doer and keeper of the house and keep everyone in line... it was enormous. Probably more so in my case since I do the majority of the yard work and home repairs and car care. I don't have kids yet. But we do have plenty of furbabies. :) Keeping up after everyone is a full time job!