Here are some recent sites I've enjoyed...
Check out this story about a football team and their fans who decided that for one night they would root for the other team. Grab some Kleenex!
This post shows a really cute private wedding between Donna and Kevin. Look at their beautiful pictures and then watch the video (there's a link at the end of the post) of how they told their families. HT to Katherine for the link to that blog.
I'm not sure how I found this, but I absolutely love it. It's a "folding biscuit box". As soon as I can save up that $2,250.00, it's mine!
Find everything "pirate" at
...and last but not least, a funny video about homeschooling reminiscent of The Little Mermaid.
HT to Dear Abbi for this one.
Do you still collect seashell stuff?
No, I actually got rid of most of it. I guess I outgrew it. I still like the sea and stuff, but not just shells. I guess I'm just more selective now.
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