Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Christmas 2008

I wanted to mention some of the Christmas gifts that we got this past year. There were some neat things I wanted to share.

Lynden made the boys this ice cream bucket with metal objects in it. They had magnets on them. This is the lid to the bucket. Inside was all kinds of fun metal stuff.

Here is a person that the boys made. It was a creative gift (idea from Family Fun magazine) and the boys have really enjoyed it.
This was a sign my brother made me. He bought the words, but did all the painting. The white behind the words has a crackle finish. I'm going to hang it above the french doors in the bedroom.

I have more to share, I'll share a few every day.


Cheryl said...

Both awesome gifts, I love them both!!! Very creative and thoughtful!!

Crystal said...

wow, I LOVE that metal gift....too cool and very different! Love the sign too........I love cool handmade gifts like those!!! They mean so much more than something store bought!

MissSonya said...

oh i love the metal idea and will be doing it asap

the sign is nice. I love cutie Matthew

Char said...

Wow, that is an awesome idea! I bet Travis would LOVE it!

Love the sign!!