Friday, December 26, 2008

Two of the many reasons...

I love my mother in law.

1. She bakes cookies with my boys and lets them use LOTS of sprinkles. 2. No Martha Stewart tree. Only ornaments full of memories, paper chains and paper scraps adorn her tree.


Cheryl said...

What a great grandma!!

SamandSawyersMom said...

Oh I long for that!!I love that homey feel of a Christmas tree. I would love for my tree to look just like that!!!!

SamandSawyersMom said...

Oh I long for that!!I love that homey feel of a Christmas tree. I would love for my tree to look just like that!!!!

kellerie said...

now that's what a real Christmas tree should look like!

the cookies look good,too!

Crystal said...

ha, how cool!