Monday, September 29, 2008

Sucker Days...

(Image from Oriental Trading)

The other day, the boys and I went to the post office to mail some packages. On a prior trip there, the post mistress gave the boys suckers. You know what that means... every time we go to the post office, the boys expect suckers now. That day was no exception. All the way in the door I am shushing them and saying "don't you dare ask for a sucker" and "you may only have one if she offers you one". Well, she didn't offer them suckers.

As we are leaving the post office, Tyler says to me, "I wanted a sucker". I said to him, "Not every day is a sucker day, in fact, most of them aren't". The more I thought about it, the more profound it seemed. Sometimes I think we expect or want every day to be a "sucker day". If we had something special every day, it would no longer be special. It would become the norm.

I'm learning to thank God for "sucker days" and be content in those that aren't.

Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content. (Phil. 4:11).


Kelli said...

Excellent points, Lura!

Cheryl said...

Very true!

SamandSawyersMom said...

yummy, I love sucker days

Char said...

I love sucker days too. They are THE best!