Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The funniest thing I've seen today...

This morning Ethan asked me if he could play with one of my wooden spoons. This is not unusual, so I gave it to him to play with.

A little bit later I see him chasing his brothers and saying "hootie, hootie, hootie". I (thinking he is going to hit them) tell him that I don't think that is such a good idea. He said, "But mom, I'm the chef from the Muppets and I'm chasing the chickens so I can cook them".

(Thanks Amanda for letting us borrow your Muppet videos!)


Cheryl said...

Oh that is hilarious!!! At least he didn't ask for a butcher knife!

Char said...

Haha!! That's funny.

Amanda said...

what crazy kids!

SamandSawyersMom said...

ha good for him....see how good tv is for them??

kellerie said...

oh, too funny!!! you need to film that.