Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Lucy the donkey

I commented to Joanne on Lucy's markings which I thought were really unique. Then she told me the story that has been passed down about the markings on this kind of donkey. She talked about the biblical significance of both Mary and Jesus riding on donkeys. The story says that this same donkey went and stood at the cross of Jesus. The sun shone behind the cross and left the shadow of the cross on the donkey's back. Just a neat, fun little story.
The donkey and I. I know, I know. You want to know which is which. Ha ha. (Lucy was really into the whole self portrait thing with me. Can you tell?)
Donkeys really are stubborn. I loved the progression of these pictures.


SamandSawyersMom said...

very funny. i think donkeys are cool

Char said...

haha! those are cute pictures. that's great that Tim agreed to get a picture with you like that up close. But why do you call him "Lucy"? I don't get it.

Crystal said...

Whoa, I thought that was a pic of my husband!!! ha

SamandSawyersMom said...

ha ha

Carrie said...

She is so cute! We have 2 donkies that live behind our house on a horse farm! Its fun to hear them every once in awhile "hee hawing"!

Cheryl said...

Oh Lucy didn't want to leave, how sweet.

Amanda said...

I liked the story behind the mark on the donkeys back. I had never heard that before, then again I had never seen a donkey with those markings.
Isn't it neat how we are discovering animal stories with markings relating to Jesus?

Are you not posting today because you are tending to your pot plants or are you hiring a hitman?

Debby said...

Thanks for answering my questions Lura. I figured they had to have a animal carrying thing. I loved the story about the donkey.

Amanda said...

I am going to stop being captivated if you don't put up a new post!!!!!

Amanda said...
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SamandSawyersMom said...

oh my goodnbess, change this post already