I just think this is one of the cutest pictures ever. We took the boys outside for a little bit tonight and this is one of the great shots I got. I have more to post at a later time, along with a post about my weekend with Charity (lots of pics from that), and also from the revived Forced Family Fun night last night.
I can not believe that someone else uses that term..Forced Family Fun. My mom used it from the time I was in late middle school (when my older sister's were in college) until I was in college or even just after (around when my youngest sister graduated from high school) Strange the way the world works...are you sure you are not channeling Betsey?
That picture is beautiful!! How did you get the background to be white???
Oh my gosh that is precious!! I really love the spring flowers and snow boots. He is little face is priceless!!
The back ground is her house. haha! It's the color of her house.
He is so darn cute!!!
My mom and dad got that forced family fun night from the Keefers, guess it's popular. Ha ha.
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