Thursday, April 10, 2008

One Day Vacation (Part 3)

A neat cross of daffodils planted on a hill in Logan, Ohio.

How the boys sleep in the car (minus the smiles).

Ethan enjoys his ice cream at Rita's.

Big cousins are cool! Tyler and Travis.

Did we go to the zoo too? No, that's just Isaiah and Aunt Charity being silly!


Cheryl said...

Finally had to put Charity in a cage hunh? Sad. Very cute! I love the way they feel asleep, that is adorable!!

Char said...

Awwww.... He's so stinking cute!! What a wonderful Aunt to be playing with her nephews like that.

SamandSawyersMom said...

so you saw aunt charity on your vacay? I am confused. What a nice idea for a mini vacay!!