Just wanted to show off the other kind of finch that has been visiting our bird feeder. I'm pretty sure it's called a purple finch even though it's head is kind of red. I believe the one on the left is the male and the one on the right is the female.

I had to post this one for Amanda. I think the second bird is saying "What you
talkin about Willis?"
those look like they came from National geographic
I think that is exactly what he is thinking!!! ha ha
Funny. I think that is what she's saying!! Very nice birds.
chirp, chirpchirpchirpchirp, chirrrrrp!
Oh thank you for sharing these......I just love bird feeders, it's so cool to watch them eat! Those darn squirrels try to eat all the food though! ha
i admire your dedication. we have two birdfeeders, but i never remember to fill them.
Tyler reminds us if they get low. Plus it's right outside our living room window.
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