The past couple of days I have been really drawn to appreciate the everyday things I sometimes overlook. It really is a blessing to have "ordinary" days.
Yesterday as we were walking into church as a family, I noticed our shadow. The five of us holding hands walking up to the door. It would have made a perfect picture. It did make a perfect mental picture. One I hope to remember once my boys are long grown and no longer holding my hands.
This morning I had to take the boys to the dentist for their 6 month check up. All 3 were seen basically at the same time. I'm so thankful that they are still a little nervous at the dentist. Makes for very good behavior!
After the dentist we went to the donut shop. Doesn't everyone do that? :) Now that we have gone twice, it is a family tradition. One that I personally love. The boys paid for their own donuts with their own money. They asked me "can we please pay for our own?". Who am I to stop them? Ha ha. Tyler and Isaiah actually picked out cookies. The sweet older lady even let them have their own bags, even though I was fine with them sharing one. While we were there, Isaiah dropped his bag on the floor. I didn't really think too much of it and neither did she. The lady asked if he had broken his cookie. While he was checking, he dropped the bag again. If it wasn't broken the first time, it was now! He wasn't upset by that at all, but she offered him a new cookie and let him keep the broken one (which Isaiah brought home for daddy).
Then a quick run through the coffee shop to get a frozen hot chocolate for mommy. I had a gift card.
We went to a park to eat our donuts and cookies. Then the boys played on the large wooden playground. They also walked behind the ducks, till the ducks jumped into the pond. It was perfect sitting on the park bench watching them. They weren't doing anything special, just being boys. It's what they do best. Then we walked over to a small waterfall and threw leaves (boats) into the water.
On the way home Ethan noticed some multi color clouds in the sky. Pink, yellow, and blue. It was really strange. I have seen something like that before, but I'm not sure what causes that. We also are listening to the soundtrack from "Fireproof" while we are in the van. My favorite song on there is "While I'm waiting". Great song. Check it out. I love to hear the boys singing along to a song that teaches about worshipping and serving God even while we are waiting for an answer from God.
When we got home, the boys played for a little bit and then we all laid down and took naps. I woke up and made supper and no one complained about it. That was SO nice. Tim went out and mowed part of the lawn while I trimmed bushes and the boys played. They dug in the garden- that isn't planted yet. They made trucks honk. They brought me little bouquets of flowers.
We came inside and they took a bath together. Got some cute shots of that before I yelled at them for messing around. There's a reason we don't do baths together anymore and now I remember why! Now they are watching a movie before bed.
Nothing overly special about today. Just every. little. thing.
**edited to add: There is now crying and shouts of "BAD MOM" from their bedroom. My work here is complete.
Sounds like a very nice day!! Glad you had a fun day with your boys.
this post made me cry. i love you, and your boys, and it made me think about how i desperately try to hold onto these moments with dex. sometimes i wish i had a video camera on me at alllll times, because you're right, it's these little moments that make every day special. even when they're shouting "bad mom" and the bathroom is a mess...that's what makes life beautiful. thanks for such a wonderful post. xx
It is funny how ordinary days sometimes turn out to be extra, extra special.
I haven't planted my garden yet either!
That sounds like the perfect day!!
I dont know you
but i wonder about your nice life with your baby
is it true that you are happy
if you realy want to be happy in every time every where
just check about (islamic) to know the rhight way to the full happy life.
good luck
if you want to reply to me
do not be closed mind
read and know more to the right way
i dont need any thing from
just i want you to be in the way of allah
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