It should make you angry as a Christian and as a parent. (Even if you are not a Christian, it brings up some very interesting thoughts on Freedom of Speech). This is very scary stuff. The whole video lasts about 20 minutes, and some of the most crazy stuff is toward the end. It is well worth watching and then doing something about it!
"Renowned author and commentator Janet Parshall takes you on a journey across the country to meet citizens who have been arrested for speaking out at a public rally, students who are being forced to attend classes that require them to recite verses from the Koran and to stage their own jihad and activists pushing social tolerance to such an extreme that the Bible itself is being labeled "hate speech." "
You may think, "not my school, not my kid", but I'm sure there are many other parents who thought the same thing. California is a state, not the other side of the world. We all think we are immune to bad things happening, but every day those things hit closer and closer to home. There used to be a time in my life where I didn't know anyone with cancer, anyone who had killed themselves, anyone who had done drugs, anyone who had had an abortion. Now those people are my friends, my coworkers, my neighbors. The tragic and the evil happen closer to home every day. It's much easier to fight it before it gets here, than after.
very interesting video!
I dont' get why those schools aren't teaching about all religions. I agree with that point, about schools just teaching ABOUT them, but you don't need to make them memorize scriptures and wear special clothing or do anything "official" with that religion. Just tell their history and what they believe and then leave it at that. I do think that we as American's cater to other cultures and beliefs MORE than we do our own beliefs. It's like we don't want to offend others or something, but in the mean time they are catering to others and making the rest feel alienated. It should be equal and fair, no matter what religion and/or belief.
OR just decide on ONE and then it's take it or leave it, you know, because our calendar is based on the christian holiday's. so then what? We have to start catering to others too? Have days off for other religions? I mean, it's fair and equal, but if they did that then we'd have tons of days off. If they don't do it, or make something "standard", then what happens to christmas break, easter break and other holidays that are based on christianity?
As far as the valedictorian, she had every right to say whatever she wanted to say at HER speech. I mean, as long as she isn't cursing or being majorly offensive, then what's the big deal? I mean she should be able to tell her story and tell what got her thru school. It wouldn't have mattered what religion or belief it was, she had every right to say it.
Good, interesting, thought provoking post Lura! Thanks! :)
I am only responding to what is in char's last comment..though I plan to listen to it tonight once kids go to bed. I know that many schools require valedictorians to turn in a copy of what they plan to say before the speech to be approved and many schools now have winter break and spring break that coinside with Christmas (and aas many other holidays as possible) and many do not (not so much in this part of the midwest) have an Easter break at all but a spring break that sometimes is the same time as Easter. Many places also are going to a system (Cleveland Clinic as an example) that give you a certain number of vacation days total to use as you see fit no holiday time extra. So instead of 10 holiday days and 10 vacation days for instance you have 20 total vacation days and you have to choose which you want. So if you want Christmas, Easter and Good Friday you choose those...if you want 4th of July and the Ides of MArch you take those. But I think that also has to do with a system that must be available to some capacity 365. I may have more to say once I see the video.
I have the same question about teaching all religions...I have less of a problem knowing about other religions. I am not sure about the extreme this school took it, I would also like to know whether this school continued this. And I do have to say that if you think about Christmas concerts, singing faith based carols could be seen in the same light for other religions. I personally want my kids to know about other religions..then they have a better understanding of many things anyway. I am not really sure that you can completely teach history without teaching some things about religions, the Crusades, Greek/Norse/Roman Mythology, Dark Ages/Rennaisance. I do think that public schools get too worried about the church and state thing... but too many lawsuits have been filed against schools for things that seem as innocent as the speech. this is an interesting thing. It just reminds me that parents need to stay involved in their children's education and know what is happening in the schools. Again, my opinions...not worth more then that. But thanks for reading.
Although this is very sad, it's not surprising at all. This unfortunately has been predicted to happen.
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