Monday, September 10, 2007


If anyone gets coupons in their Sunday paper or mail and doesn't use them, I'd love to have them. I will pay you postage to send them to me, or if you're local, I'll pick them up. It doesn't have to be for any particular items, I will take them all.



Cheryl said...

I'll send you some.

SamandSawyersMom said...

what are you selling them? ha

Cheryl said...

She has a weekly card game with other house wives, they play for coupons.

Lura said...

No, I'm not selling them. I'm trying some rebates and stuff at local stores and want to get the best deals I can. Good one Cheryl. that's not a bad idea!

Lura said...

I just figure there are people that don't mess with them and just throw them out.

Crystal said...

Girl, I used to sit and clip all those dang things out and get them all organized with my list and it never failed..........I walked right out the door and forget them at home! ugh! I finally gave up! ha

kellerie said...

i'll send you mine - assuming i remember :)

SamandSawyersMom said...

i never save enough so i stopped buying a paper

Char said...

forget you! i'm keeping all of my coupons to myself! ;)

Cheryl said...

I usually spend more when I have coupons. I buy things just because I have a coupon. I have gotten better and when I remember them and use them on what I need I do save.

Cheryl said...

I mailed mine this morning.

Crystal said...


Char said...

She's at my house! Well, she was at my house. Now she's not. :)