Sunday, August 05, 2007

You gotta read this...

just keep a Kleenex handy.

It will be especially meaningful to all of my friends who have 4 year olds or almost 4 year olds!


Cheryl said...

WOW. I remember those times, unfortunately it just gets worse. I would die if Ryan came right out and said he didn't need me anymore. How can we be so proud and sad at the same time.

SamandSawyersMom said...

that was sweet

kellerie said...

oh, that was so sweet! the stories about "when i was little," remind me of tanis. he's always talking about when he was little, but says he's all grown up now.

but, i too, would just die if he came out and said he didn't need me anymore!

Char said...

sniffle, sniffle, sniffle....

Amanda said...

I am way too emotional to read it right now.

Crystal said...

That was so beautifully written.....very touching!