Monday, August 27, 2007


I stayed up until 2:15 this morning cleaning off my bookshelves and getting rid of books. I got rid of two diaper boxes full and started another one. I've always know that I had a problem, but now I want to do something about it. I read a comment by "anonymous" on this post over at Biblical Womanhood and it really made me think.

My mom is here to watch the boys for a little bit so I can get some things done. I love unsolicited babysitting, it's the best! I wanted to mow the lawn for Tim, but I can't get the mower started. Now I have to figure out what else I want to get done!


Crystal said...

I read the anonymous comment and the post and I relate totally to the post. I always have a pile of books that are half read! ha ha I can never seem to finish them. I start them, get very into them and then let it go for a while and then I see another book that catches my attention and start reading that one too and so on and so forth! I bet with this being a problem for so many it HAS to be normal, right?? ha ha

Cheryl said...

Good for you! I hope you get lots done today. Enjoy the babysitter!

SamandSawyersMom said...

i don't have this problem i just don't read

Unknown said...

You should take them to half price books...mine buys them from you for $.50 for paper backs and a dollar for hard just have to try and not leave with more then you take.

Char said...

the half price books here will not give you that much for them.
you need to stop keeping me up so late! ;)
Bravo on the book clearing.

kellerie said...

i don't know. i don't ever get rid of books because i usually reread them again. it's good to get rid of clutter, but i just can't part with books