Friday, August 24, 2007

Fun with Shaving Cream

While I was in college, I spent some time working at an after school program for kids from low income families. One of the activities they did there was to spray shaving cream on a wood table and let the kids play in it, write in it, and draw pictures in it. Last Sunday we did this with the boys. If you play long enough, the shaving cream eventually goes into the table or your hands and it's not bad to clean up at all.


SamandSawyersMom said...

Yeah we do this allt he time and thos is how Sammylearned to write his name. It is better than Aqua doodle..if that is possible.

SamandSawyersMom said...

Oh yeah and it is great to add some color to it too. ALso you can add this to the bath for coloring it on the walls or whatever.

The boys look like thier minds are going a mile a minute and their brains are growing. I always tell Sammy that I can see his brain growing during story time or art.

Crystal said...

I did this with my boys and my daycare kids too but we always used whipped cream just because I was afraid they would ingest the shaving cream or rub their eyes with it. Either one is definitely a good way to teach them to write!

Cheryl said...

They did that at Ryan's preschool. He loved it!! We haven't done it at home, maybe we will.

kellerie said...

oh my! that looks like fun, though.

Martha A. said...

Does it hurt the wood table at all?

Lura said...

No, it doesn't hurt the table at all. I haven't had any problems and the table is cleaner afterwards! If you are worried about it, you could try a little on the bottom of the table first before letting the kids try it.