Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Weight Loss Update

The weight loss seems to be going really slow now. It's frustrating when you are eating so much less than you were before, and trying to make the right choices of what to eat. I know that slow and steady is the way to go, but that doesn't keep me from hoping the weight comes off faster. I think I only lost 1 pound or so this week. One of the ladies at work that is doing the challenge with me told me to stop wearing baggy clothes to work. The problem is that I haven't really changed sizes yet. My smaller stuff still doesn't fit.

I pray that when I get to my goal weight (or even near it) that I can always remember how crappy it is to diet, how frustrating it is not to fit in my clothes, etc. I can handle eating this way for the rest of my life. I don't ever want to go back to mindless overeating/gaining weight again.

I am 1 1/2 lbs from where I wanted to be on Saturday for the wedding. I am about 3 lbs from being 1/2 way to my goal.

I really need to start exercising more.


kellerie said...

Hang in there!!!! It's natural to hit a plateau where the weight loss levels out for awhile. you're doing so well - don't give up now!!!

SamandSawyersMom said...

You are doing very well an I could tell SO much in that picture of you from a couple of days ago. Wow, you looked thin. You go girl.