Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sweet Spring

Today we had a good morning at church and afterwards enjoyed a potluck. The boys did really well and actually sat still and ate their food. There were not many people that stayed for the potluck, so the choices were limited (which was good for my diet).
The first chives

On the way home the weather was just beautiful. It definitely feels like spring now. We passed a Mennonite buggy and the lady waved to us. I love living in this area. Their "simple" lifestyle is an inspiration to me.

Then we passed a boy throwing a stick to his dog. Ahhhh all the things you forget about during winter. I can't wait to start spending some time outside with the boys.

Not sure what this afternoon will hold. The boys are all napping (or supposed to be). I may go read a book after I open some more windows.

Oh yeah, some of the forsythia branches are blooming. I will wait a few more days before I take a picture.

The first daffodils


Cheryl said...

It is beautiful today. Ryan has been outside all day. I love this weather.

Crystal said...

Sounds very peaceful.

Cheryl said...

I want to grow my own herbs this year, I don't think I ever use chives though.

SamandSawyersMom said...

yeah i am going to grow all kinds of veggies this year at my fathernlaw's house. He said I could grow anything I wanted and he would take care of it for me.

It looks nice there and it feels that good here too. The birds are singing so loudly this morning. They are also glad that it is spring!!

Lura said...

Oh! I want a garden where someone will take care of it for me!!!