Monday, November 03, 2008

Fun with Lochlyn

On Friday night, we had the pleasure of having Lochlyn spend the night at our house while Matthew and Lynden went camping with their youth group. We had a healthy supper of popcorn chicken, Cheetos, and hot pretzels.

Lochlyn arrested Tyler while Ethan took his socks off.
Cousins and best of friends.

On Saturday, Matthew and Lynden came to pick up Lochlyn. We talked them all into staying for a lunch of potato soup, salad, and blueberry muffins. When they were getting ready to leave, the boys had some fun playing in the leaves.

Yes, it is November it Ohio. I have kids wearing shorts and running around in their bare feet.


SamandSawyersMom said...

Soooo cute!

Cheryl said...

looks like a great time for all the boys! it was a beautiful weekend!