Thursday, October 16, 2008

So true...



Cheryl said...

oh i am so with you!

Crystal said...

I hear ya sister

kellerie said...


we were talking at school yesterday - teachers, not students - that we wished there was a "none of the above" option.

Unknown said...

There are actually lots of options, kust wait to you see the ballot. I have already cast my vote absentee. Unfortunately most times non of those canidates get enough votes to even get coverage...Ralph Nader for example. But remember the Ross Perot election, so there are other options they just don't get much for total votes and there is a write in spot so you can add who you want to. I know it does not make a difference in the outcome most likely but at least if you find one of the others to be more to your liking you don't have to vote for someone you don't support. Just a thought.