Wednesday, July 30, 2008

This makes me sick...

I have long been a fan of McDonald's. Recently however, it has come to my attention that they are supporting the g*y and l*sbian movement.

"To help promote the g*y agenda, McDonald's™ paid $20,000 to become an official "organizational ally and corporate partner" of the National G*y and L*sbian Chamber of Commerce and secure a seat on the groups board of directors. "

This means that they have also helped to sponsor this. (If you do choose to look at the pictures, make sure you look at the last one. Should any child be exposed to this?)

I have decided to no longer give my business to McDonald's. This has been a really difficult decision for me. We love McDonald's.

I feel that we need to stand up for what we believe in. It's time that we take action and stop watching all of these things happen around us. We do have a voice and sometimes that voice comes from our wallets and our purses!


Char said...

ahhhh... so that's why they call them "happy meals".

Haha - sorry - couldn't resist! ;)

SamandSawyersMom said...

wow, Even with religion aside or an opinion one way or another on gay rights, that is just inappropriate in our American streets period. I think your idea is good but I have a feeling if you delved deeper, we wouldn't be able to eat or drink from anywhere!

Crystal said...

That was funny Char!!! crup!

I was going to say the same as Sonya, I think if you investigated most places in America it wouldn't leave much for us to do business!

Crystal said...

Lura, I posted my response the McDonald's Boycott on my blog.

Char said...

you should write to mcdonalds if you don't like what they are doing. that way you have voiced your opinion with words. they won't know how you feel if you just stop eating there.

Cheryl said...

I agree with Charity.

kellerie said...

i fully agree that the san fransisco parade is horribly offensive, but please keep in mind that it is not representative of all gay and lesbian people, any more than california is representative of all of us.

i know that you don't approve of their lifestyle in any case, and i understand, but they aren't all running around in the streets naked.

kellerie said...

however - lura, if you feel that taking this stand is what you are called to do, then YOU GO! more power to you for following your convictions.

SamandSawyersMom said...

i agree but MCDONALDS sponsored THIS parade, right?

I wasn't saying that gay adn lesbians all do this..but this parade was sponsored by McD's if I read it correctly

Cheryl said...

Also McDonald's are privately owned and pay for the licensing, at least around here. So I would be punishing a little old couple who owns the Loveland McDonald's.