1. Why is there bacon on the train tracks?
2. How many people have car accidents while picking their nose?
3. How many people have car accidents while eating in their car? Do they choke on their Big Mac? Are there french fries scattered at the scene?
4. How close have I been to famous people (or even people I know) and not known it? (like when you are driving down the highway or on vacation).
Having bacon on a train track means you have boys!!! I found all kinds of strange stuff like that when Cam was little. One time, I was cleaning his room and found a sandwich bag full of pee! ha ha When I asked him about it he said he just wanted to see what it was like to pee in a bag!! He was only 5 at the time!!! ha ha BOYS!!!!
very good wonders lura! the train track one is easy except it owuld never happen here...bacon never sits anywhere!
Oh girl, the way your mind works! Scatter fries at the scene...funny. As far as the bacon...boys!!!
Why was there bacon left over anyway? Were your boys trying to teach about bacon clogging arteries?? As for the others I don't have the brainpower right now to give good answers.
i've often wondered about the accidents while eating one, usually while tanis is eating a happy meal in the back. it is one of my fears that i will crash and he will choke on a chicken nugget.
yes, i have a lot of irrational fears.
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