Monday, March 03, 2008

Saturday Beauty


Crystal said...

Those are really cool shots!

SamandSawyersMom said...

very pretty

Cheryl said...


Unknown said...

They are beautiful. In the mode od house hunting and worrying I always think of icicles bringing down gutters, or that gutters are not properly leveled to flow correctly. On a brighter thought when I was a kid my dad would collect big ones in the winter and then keep then in the freezer until really hot days in the summer and then we would play with icicles in the tub! I am sure there are reasons that might not be a great idea (boys might skewer their brothers) and they are even less clean then when we were kids.

They are great pictures though, they would make beautiful notecards.

Anonymous said...

How pretty (and cold looking too).

I tagged ya: