I got to do the coolest thing on Tuesday at work. I got to hold a baby skunk! It was 6 weeks old and it fit into one hand. It was tiny! One of the nurses raises them as pets and sells them to people.
I guess they can be litter box trained and they eat dog food. They sell for $350-500. They like to have their backs scratched and they make a little squeaky noise. They recognize their names like dogs do.
I wish I had had a camera with me!
Today if all goes well, state will be leaving at around 3:00 pm. Keep praying.
Awww, that's pretty cute.
Do they take out their scent pouch thing before they mature? Like declawing only destinking. LOL - Ok, I just cracked myself up. hehe
That was funny Charity! Meet you on Tim's blog later? haha
I'd love to cuddle a destinkified skunk!
Yeah, they do destink them. That cost $100.
oh i would be scared that it would bite
Me too sonya! ha ha (of course) cause I had a friend! SM
Until I moved to the East side I had only once seen a skunk (in college one walked me to an early Saturday morning class) then I moved here..groundhogs on my porch and a rabid skunk in our backyard...the police came and he shot it right there (I live in a suburb on a busy street!) took out his sidearm and shot it bang bang...no big deal, freaked me out a bit.
Oh I think skunks are so cute. I'd get one if Kev would let me, or ferret, or maybe another dog. OH I just love pets in general.
ewe! Ferrets are too much like rats! ugh!
Amanda - it's your turn on Tim's blog! :)
I don't like ferrets either. They remind me of rats too. I'm not really into rodents or snakes. EW!
I know that Travis would love a gerbil though. He really, really wants a dog and I can't wait until we can get him one. He likes animals.
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