Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Wordless Wednesday


Crystal said...

ha ha how on earth did that boy get his shirt like that?? He's too cute!

SamandSawyersMom said...

i am glad it is wordless wednesday so i do not have to mention that z should not be able to put his arms through his carseat because it should be too tight and his cheeks are pink...

but the pics are precious!!!

Lura said...

Apparently he inhaled when I fastened the strap and then exhaled and made enough room to put his hands in there. Either that or I only let im do it while we were parked and not actually driving! (Ignore the blurry house and road in the background).

SamandSawyersMom said...

i knew that was it...i was only kidding... i knew that you would only have it tight and you'd only have the handle down on his infant seat too.

Cheryl said...

Looks like a comfy way to wear a shirt.

He is really cute!!!

Amanda said...

I'm just impressed he's in the car seat. Usually when Lura and I go out she lets the 3 wander freely in the van while she's driving.

I am so kidding people!!!



Char said...

Hehe! Cute! I like how he is picking his nose too. haha!
He gets his clothes all messed up a lot, doesn't he!