Saturday, May 05, 2007

Happy Cinco de Mayo Everyone!

This morning I am going to the community sale with my mom. My dad called last night and offered to watch the boys. I won't know what to do without them! Ha ha. Two years ago, I was 6 months pregnant and pushing the double stroller up and down hills all around the town by myself. I couldn't miss that sale. I have no doubt Sonya would do the same! I will probably be disappointed as the last couple of years haven't been that great, but I just love that you can walk from one house to another.

I didn't find much last night in my garbage hunt. There were lots of other people out. I should have just picked up the stuff that I liked when it was still light out. I did get a baby gate like the ones we have and I'm going to wash it up and give it to my mom. I also got a little tacky pottery piece thing, I will try to sell it at our garage sale. If not, it will go to the Goodwill. I probably spent more in gas for the truck than I made!


Char said...

Hope the sale went well and that you found some things.

SamandSawyersMom said...

let us know what you got

Amanda said...

Did you find a tall, portly girl with an energetic boy? You may have heard the kid yelling every few minutes "I'm a good shopper mom, I only spent 1 dollar!"