I've really been feeling the need to pare down what we own. We have been blessed, there is no doubt about it. But I do feel though that there is "enough" and there is "too much". How many pairs of pajamas does one boy need? Especially when laundry is done several times a week. This is what I found in Isaiah's drawers. He had 18 pairs of pajamas! What that means is I could go almost 3 weeks without washing pajamas for him. I decided to pick out 7 pairs and then sell the rest. That will make more room for things that I want to store and also help us make some money. It also lessens the choices that have to be made and the laundry.


I plan to cut down on all of our clothes, this is just the beginning!
Awesome Job!!!!
you didn't choose my 2 favorites, the green ones (carters) and the mvp ones. besides those are good for any season. wrong choices...go back
My kids only have a few pair each..maybe 5
I am about to go through all Ryan's clothes.
I need to go thru Daws' stuff too, I still have tons of clothes that I saved from Cameron so Daws rarely needs new clothes! If we buy an outfit for him, it's usually just because we like it.
The two you picked were almost too small for him, so I let them go. I figured I'd get them into this year's garage sale instead of hanging onto them for a year.
oh okay, i will let them go too then
I am glad to see that you kept the sesame street ones. I am not offended!
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